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Convictions by Sis. Shaye Spell

Life Tabernacle Church

Updated: Jul 20, 2021

By Sis. Shaye Spell

My husband, Pastor Tony Spell, has always been a man who has held onto his BELIEFS and CONVICTIONS. When he believes in a certain thing and KNOWS THAT GOD HAS SPOKEN TO HIM, he will NOT be deterred. When he decided to marry me, he prayed about it, proposed on a Thursday night, (after only 3 months of dating), and married me 4 days later on a Monday night! That was 24 years ago! Even before he began pastoring around the year 2001, he became “convicted” about wearing a watch. He had always worn a modest watch, and someone blessed him suddenly with a Rolex. He wore it to our church ONE time, and apparently God spoke to him. When we were on our way home that night, he told me, “I will never wear a watch again.” He has never since put a watch (or anything resembling a watch) on his arm. When he chooses to fast for a certain number of days, he makes a vow to God, and NOTHING will deter him from that fast. I have seen him walk by 2 dozen homemade yeast rolls (his favorite) with butter dripping off the top, and he was not even tempted to partake. I have seen him fast even from water, and be on the verge of delirium, but not drink until his vow was fulfilled. “When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed” (Ecclesiastes 5:4 KJV). He has never let his facial hair grow out into a beard, as he has a CONVICTION against covering his face. This has been his conviction and belief based on the Word of God and prayer ever since I have known him. He WILL NOT wear a mask. He has been convicted of covering his face because of his religious and personal beliefs. He is unwavering in his God-given convictions. Our church is made up of all kinds of people from all nations. Some of our saints have convictions that we do not hold. However, we all agree to not become a stumbling block, but instead we try our best to be a stepping stone, and we respect, not belittle, those with different CONVICTIONS. This is what makes up a CHURCH RULED BY GOD, not by man. Any pastor, mentor, colleague, family member, or “government official” who tries to FORCE him to cover his face, or talk him into the same, will be guilty of trying to coerce him to go AGAINST his CONVICTIONS given to him by God Almighty. May God have Mercy on those who do this. As hard as this trial has been, I am and always will be proud of my husband. He does not embarrass me with his strong stand against tyranny! Freedom of religion, the right to peacefully gather, and the right to not mask are WORTH WHATEVER PERSECUTION MAY COME! Our children and grandchildren’s freedoms are WORTH THE FIGHT! My own inner peace about the past eleven months comes from knowing that our “stand” has only come from his PRAYER, FASTING, AND COMMUNION WITH GOD. This, along with his knowledge of the WORD of God, has made all the difference in every decision he has made. I will always stand by the person who is getting his orders from heaven above instead of man. His “standing” only makes me strive to be as strong as he is, in my own convictions, when I make my own vows unto God. May God richly bless you as you too make your own vows unto the Lord! Do so with prayer and fasting, and you will be blessed. Romans 12:2 KJV “ And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Sis. Shaye Spell

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Aug 20, 2022

Sis Shaye, thank you for the example that you blessed to know such wonderful God fearing people who honor God in all you do


Mark Ross
Mark Ross
Jun 10, 2021

Yours is an anti-intellectual religion. It teaches that education and knowledge outside of the Bible are unimportant and that the only person one has to listen to is the pastor. Oneness churches are just a hair's breadth away from being full-blown personality cults. It saddens me that so many people have allowed themselves to live in a small, narrow fantastical world like this. And, if my experience with Oneness Pentecost is any indication, most of them aren't very happy either. Get vaccinated. Wear a mask when appropriate. Listen to the healthcare experts, not to your pastor.


Mar 06, 2021

Pastor and sister Spell must be doing something right. God is blessing them through these tough times. I'm praying for them, and for Life Tabernacle. Please pray for me.


Carrie McCreery
Carrie McCreery
Feb 04, 2021

I stand behind you all the way. Thank you for doing the right thing. You are in my prayers.


Randy Graham
Randy Graham
Feb 02, 2021


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